Freight Forwarding

Providing our customers with the most comprehensive Freight Forwarding Services anywhere.

More than 50 years of experience

Our team will ensure that your merchandise moves from its origin to its final destination effortlessly. Headquarter in Miami, Florida, Interport Logistics provides its customers a global reach. Coordinating movement of cargo from many foreign and domestic origins to their intended destination, and providing consolidation points to its company owned facilities when needed.

Competitive Rates

Our volume of freight allows us to secure the best possible rates in the market and provide our customers with the competitive advantage they need to compete with their markets.

Global Reach

Our Freight Forwarding service includes Foreign to Foreign Freight Forwarding, from Asia or Europe to the Americas, central and South American movements, and those between the regions. As part of our Freight Forwarding Services, Interport Logistics specializes in Global Retail Distribution. From the manufacturer or distributor to the retailer's shelves, with a single point of contact and full access to all information and documents on the internet 24/7.