FTZ Public Warehouse

Take advantage of the benefits provided by a Foreign Trade Zone

FTZ 281-17

Interport Public Warehouse operates Foreign Trade Zone 281-17. As such we offer our customers the unique opportunity to take advantage of the benefits provided by a Foreign Trade Zone. These benefits make for an effective way to manage your foreign inventory and also facilitates the movement of your goods.

Benefits include:

  • Direct Delivery upon arrival of merchandise at the Port/Airport
  • Eliminate unnecessary Customs Entry Fee's
  • Eliminate duties on exported products
  • Expedited customs clearance process
  • Unlimited storage time
  • Ability to manipulate and pick and pack goods in bond
  • Assembly, cleaning, relabeling and other services in bond
  • Consolidate periodic MPF Reporting / Payment

Save money with a Foreign Trade Zone

There are many Ways that companies can save by taking advantage of Foreign Trade Zones. Those Advantages Include:

  • Duty Deferment
  • No Duties paid on exported merchandise
  • Remove the need for Customs Brokers
  • Drastic Reduction on MPF Payments
  • Electronic Submissions, no messenger fees
  • Positive Cash flow advantages

Foreign Trade Zones are a tool created to facilitate trade and these cost savings are an integral part of helping companies grow and compete in the global market.